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Book reviews of Lutheran Theology and the Shaping of Society

Recently, our first joint publication with the LUMEN centre received its third international review. This gave us an occasion to collect the assessments of the book, of which the editors and the LUMEN centre have been very pleased.

In Lutheran Quarterly 34 (2020) Jason Lavery acknowledges as an overall strength ”how individual articles build upon one another,” and  concluded:

This book could serve several audiences. As a whole, it is of greatest use to scholars. The articles that more specifically address Denmark could be useful in undergraduate courses in religion or early modern Europe. The articles that focus on Luther could serve as a useful introduction to many basic aspects of Lutheran teaching (p. 118).                                  

In Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71 (2020), Margit Thøfner, asked for comparisons with Greenland, but nevertheless wrote:

…, the volume is required reading for anyone interested in Lutheranism, the family and the broader cultural forms that both subtended and permeated this form of Protestantism in the early modern period, especially but not exclusively as it unfolded in Denmark (p. 175).

In AAR’s Reading Religion (February, 2019) Tine Reeh concluded:

Though the book is limited to the Danish monarchy from 1536-1849, it has relevance for a wider audience. It examines the contested dynamics between Lutheran Christianity and the shaping of modern society and would have been a welcome addition to the quincentenary celebration.

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