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Program følger
Matleena Sopanen, Doctoral student from Tampere University, and guest scholar at LUMEN, September-November.
”Licensed lay preachers of the Lutheran…
The Ritual of Churching of Women after Childbirth in Lutheran Denmark
Lecture by Mette M. Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, D.Phil (Oxford)
Mette Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, dr. phil. fra Oxford University, Gæsteforsker hos LUMEN, september-oktober 2020
”Kirketagningsritualer og sognepræsternes…
Mattias Skat Sommer, ph.d. fra AU, Carlsberg-post.doc. i Göttingen:
”Hvad var tolerance? Ikke-luthersk indvandring til Slesvig-Holsten i 1600- og…
Symposium om Jürgen Habermas’ Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, 2019. Fredag den 19. juni 2020, kl
Dette symposium afholdes på zoom. Link…
From the Venetian Periphery to the Centers of Lutheranism: The Theology, Polemics and Networks of Matthias Flacius Illyricus. Lecture Commemorating…
- A theological and historical perspective
on the trust culture sustaining the Scandinavian welfare states
Are you working with handwritten or printed sources from the 17th and 18th century? Do you want to know more about Transkribus, the platform that…
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