Justification: Recognition, Gift, Personhood
Oplysninger om arrangementet
1453-415 (Bed og Arbejd)
The doctrine of justification is the cornerstone of Evangelical Lutheran theology. It orients the other articles of the Church’s confession (articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae)—not only effecting a distinction between Christ as gift and example, but also allowing for a proper understanding of creation, sin, anthropology, and even eschatology. Yet the precise form, content, and implications of justification have been anything but obvious. They have continued to be the subject of intense debate. Some have criticized a purely forensic understanding of justification; others have insisted on its purely forensic character. Some, finally, wonder whether the juxtaposition is at all adequate.
This discussion cannot help but relate historical and biblical interpretation to broader contemporary understandings and modes of elucidation.
This seminar brings together scholars who have all tried new approaches to understanding the doctrine of justification, focusing on the relationship between promise and trust, between justification and reciprocity, between divine justification and the social need of recognition, between word and reality, and on the ontology of promise.
The seminar is open and free, but registration is required. Send an email to by 1 October.
Deadline for short presentation proposals is 15 September. Send a 500-word proposal to Response by 1 October.
Lunch at own expense
Programme (revised)
10:30-10:40: Welcome and introduction by the organisers
10:40-11:25 Piotr Malysz, PhD. Associate Professor of Divinity , Samford University, US: Luther’s Ontology of Promise
11.25-12:10: Olli-Pekka Vainio, PhD. Professor in Dogmatics, University of Helsinki: The Seven-Headed Mammoth in the China Shop: Remarks on the Justification Doctrine as a Criterion
12:10-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:00: Anna Vind, PhD. Associate Professor in Church History, University of Copenhagen: Word and ontology in renaissance and reformation: Different truth-conceptions?
14:00-14:30: Short presentation: Michael Au-Mullaney, Guest PhD student at Aarhus University: Notes on justification in Løgstrup
14:30-15:00: Short presentation: Christine Svinth-Værge Põder, Associate Professor in Dogmatics, University of Copenhagen: De servo arbitrio in the German Lutherrenaissance
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:15: Sasja Emilie Mathiasen Stopa, PhD. post.doc, Aarhus University: Justification as a social ontology of mutual recognition
16:15-17:00: Bo Kristian Holm, PhD. Professor mso in Dogmatics, Aarhus University: The Multidimensionality of Promise
17:00-17:30 Concluding discussion
Piotr Malysz, AUFF Guest Researcher
Bo Kristian Holm, Head of LUMEN