Aarhus Universitets segl


Anna Vind: "Words and Things. Readings of texts about language and truth in the Renaissance"

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 8. april 2024,  kl. 15:15 - 17:00


1453-425 (Bed og Arbejd)



The relation between things/words, matter/form, thought/language and philosophy/rhetoric was discussed in Antiquity, fx in Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. With the revival of Classical Antiquity in the Renaissance the question rose again, not the least as a specific criticism of a medieval use of Aristotle, especially Aristotelian logic. But what exactly was the point, and what were the implications for the question of the relation between language and truth? This the lecture will address. I will give some examples from the 15th century, especially from Lorenzo Valla and Rudolf Agricola, and at the end I will try to circle in, how these discussions have possibly affected thinkers in the time of the Reformation.

Følg nye projekter ”in the making”.

I LUMEN’s Lecture Series vil forskere fortælle om tankerne bag deres igangværende projekter. Foredraget på en time vil være efterfulgt af diskussion og et glas vin.

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