Conference in Aarhus: The Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity

The theme of the conference is Reformation and everyday life
2020 May 27-29
The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible, such as the dissolution of monasteries, others were more hidden. Theologically, as well as practically, the position of the church in society changed dramatically, but differently according to confession and political differences.
Where studies of the influences of the theological, liturgical and organizational changes on everyday life often have focused on the similarities across Europe, now new theoretical positions within various fields focus on the differences between confessions. These new approaches have made it timely to revisit the question of how the changes brought by the reformation within all confessional cultures throughout Europe influenced the everyday life of ordinary people within church and within society.
The aim of this conference is to discuss how lived religion, everyday life and space were formed in the aftermath of the reformation, and how we can trace changes in material culture, in emotions, in social structures, in culture, which may be linked to the reformation and the development of confessional cultures.
Lumen will host the conference this year at Aarhus University, Denmark. A special strand in the paper program will concentrate on authorities and social responsibilities in church, household, and state. This strand will be organised by Associate Professor Nina Javette Koefoed as part of the research project ”Lutheranism and societal development in Denmark” funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Comparative perspectives are welcomed also within this strand.
Key Notes at the conference will be: Martin Berntson from Göteborg Universitet, Bridget M. Heal from St. Andrews, Peter Marshall from University of Warwick, Thomas Kaufmann from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Lee Palmer Wandel from University of Wisconsin and Kirsi Stjerna from California Lutheran University.
Proposals for sessions and papers is encouraged to focus on the theme of the conference, however, proposals can also focus on all disciplines related to Early Modern Christianity, ca. 1450-1650, such as philosophy, law, history, theology, etc., independent of the theme.
For further information on panel and paper proposals, registration and program see here