Aarhus University Seal

The LUMEN Centre

The LUMEN Centre aims to develop an ambitious and innovative interdisciplinary platform for the study of confessional and cultural characteristics in the Lutheran Reformation and its influence on theology, mentality, culture and society – particularly in the Nordic countries. Based on this point of departure, the centre will contribute to the theoretical discussion about the importance of Protestantism for the individual and society.

The need for knowledge about the positive and negative influence of religions on social development has become urgent both in the field of research and in discussions about society in general. One of the goals of the centre is to contribute methodically and theoretically to the international discussion of religion as a driving force in historical development, and to the discussion of how to study the influence of religion on social development and social institutions. And the Nordic countries, which in many ways represent a special case in an international perspective, are indeed characterised by a long-term Lutheran influence. The LUMEN Centre bases its work on the thesis that current theories about Protestantism, which are founded in particular on research into the Calvinist tradition, do not fully comprehend the relevant aspects of the relationship between religion and state, society and individual in countries that are influenced by Lutheranism.

The members of the LUMEN Centre come from the fields of medieval and renaissance archaeology, philosophy, history, the history of ideas, church history, art history, practical theology, systematic theology and political science.

One of LUMENs collaborators is The Reformation Research Consortium (RefoRC)

Around Reformation Day 2023, a new LUMEN volume was published by REFORC as volume number 100 in the R5AS series. To mark the occasion, REFORC has made a short video introducing the book.

In March 2023, Nina Koefoed was researcher of the month at the Carlsberg Foundation.


LUMEN regularly publishes new blog entries on theoretical, methodical, and empirical elements of its ongoing research.

Head of Center

Bo Kristian Holm

Professor with Special Responsibilities

Contact Lumen
