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LUMEN publishes its eighth annual report

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This Year in LUMEN was first of all marked by our two Guest scholars, Fredrik Thue and Píotr Malysz, who stayed at LUMEN and took part in the daily activities for some months to mutual benefit.

Jette Bendixen Rønkilde was appointed adjunct associate professor at Aarhus University, in order to tighten the bonds between Jette Rønkilde (FUV, Aarhus) and the activities in LUMEN.

Bo Kristian Holm, attended the first meeting in the Joint Working Group between the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, to which he has been appointed as the only member with a Lutheran background.

At the turn of the year the final book from the collaborative project The Nordic Household State was published at Makadam Förlag in Stockholm, arguing for the “household state” as the common dominator for the two Lutheran monarchies in Scandinavia.

The attached project Voices of the People, led by LUMEN member Nina Koefoed launched the first par of the huge database on Danish petitions.

Read more in the annual report