Aarhus Universitets segl

Symposium on Confession and Social Responsibility: Call for Papers!

The Reformation brought about a major societal shift in the areas of poor relief, and caring for the sick. The responsibility for these groups shifted from the church to the state. At the same time, people who now lived in these post-reformation societies could no longer buy indulgences through alms. How far can these considerable changes in the political, confessional and cultural character of large parts of Europe be said to have influenced the development of European welfare systems? Academic research on the subject has been inconclusive: on the one hand, some point out the consistency in European development across confessions; while on the other hand, welfare systems in Europe are often grouped into three different models, superimposed onto different confessional boundaries. 

Each of the three large confessions in Europe (Lutheranism, Reformed, Catholicism) have their specific perception of “deserving” and “underserving” poor,  of work, of social responsibility and authority.

LUMEN seeks to analyse this central question for the investigation of the influence from religion on societal development with two symposiums. The first one took place in spring 2018 and addressed the possibility or usefulness of discussing a Lutheran social ethic or teaching, and the possible relevance to the development of a Nordic welfare system.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words, and a short bio, should be emailed to Nina Koefoed, (hisnk@cas.au.dk) by 1 December 2018. Questions or queries can also be addressed to the above.

Convenors: Nina Koefoed & Andrew G. Newby



Contact: hisnk@cas.au.dk

For more information please consult the folder here.  

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