New book: Lutheranism and social responsibility

LUMEN member, Associate professor Nina Javette Koefoed is out with a new book "Lutheranism and social responsibility" edited together with Andrew G. Newby.
Building on two seminars in LUMEN organised in collaboration with Andrew G. Newby, former fellow at the Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies, now docent at Helsinki and Tampere Universities, the contributions in this volume enter the debate about the way in which the provision of poor relief can be influenced by its national confessional context.
The book investigates what the obligation to care for the poor meant in a Lutheran context, how this obligation was carried out in Nordic countries, and how the obligation transformed in the nineteenth century with the modernization and democratization which produced the Nordic welfare states. In several case studies, the book also analyses the implementation of social responsibility of the authority towards different categories of poor (‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’), local administration and centralization of poor relief through connections of public and private sources of funding, and collaboration between state, church and civil society through different public and private aspects of poor relief.
The book is published at the Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag.
Congratulations to Nina on the book!
Read more about Ass. professor Nina Javette Koefoed here
Read more about the book here